

with zero LTI, MTC & Fatality

About Us - HSE

Safety is fundamental in all Drillog Petro-Dynamics services for high service quality and this cannot be achieved without strict adherence to safe work practices and procedures. Therefore: It is the obligation and intention of Drillog Petro-Dynamics to provide all her employees, third parties and visitors with safe and non-hazardous working environment. Where radioactive sources are to be used, ALARA principle shall be applied. It is the responsibility of all managers to inspect, instruct and ensure that safety is the primary consideration in all our operations.

The operational managers are responsible for the prevention of injuries, accidents and illness to staff, customers and third party and loss or damage to equipment and property. Managers are expected to familiarize themselves with and train their employees to understand the rules, regulations, law and standards as set forth by Drillog Petro-Dynamics. It is the obligation of all Drillog Petro-Dynamics employees to comply with rules, laws, regulations and standards as set forth by the company and that of the country in which we operate. Employee shall comply with Drillog Petro-Dynamics personal protective equipment rules were applicable.

Managers will be evaluated on their performance in accident prevention and safety promotion. Violation of safety regulations may constitute cause for termination of appointment or other disciplinary actions. Illegal use of drugs and working under the influence of alcohol constitute cause for immediate dismissal.

hse certifications

Asset Base

  • Manpower Development: Have trained a formidable workforce for the industry using sperry-sun facilities in Houston Texas in addition to Technicians and support staff

  • Tool Acquisition: Purchased a complete suite of the most dependable SDS LWD tools-Resistivity, Density and Neutron

  • Well equiped new office block, new standard maintenance workshop, LWD tool maintenance laboratory, LWD calibration pit, Radiation source pit(NNRA certified) and pulsar lab for R&M

  • Has access to the following tools via a support agreement with Halliburton-Bat sonic/Imaging services; At-Bit-Gamma/Inclination (ABG/ABI); Azimuthallu Deep Resistivity; RTO; Geo-steering; Geo-span and Geo-tap-formation testing service

our mission

To deliver complete, cost effective suite of Oil and Gas drilling services at the highest level of efficiency, speedily and safely, as a vehicle for building a strong global technology company

our vision

Our vision is that our tested tools and technology, trained personnel and experience will add value by reducing drilling cost in the Nation’s oil and gas sector of the economy. We aim at extending our services to other African sub-regions, and indeed the globe to increase the local content capacity utilization, create local employment, cross training opportunities in Nigeria, transfer of technical know-how and stimulate local entrepreneurship in the oil and gas industry.